Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alright, who has the sleep dust?!

Just some thoughts for tonight...

1.) I LOVE MATT LEE!!!! He's the most amazing boyfriend in the whole wide world. :)

2.) I HATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!!!! It always, always, ALWAYS screws with my sleep pattern... not that I have a normal one to start with. But seriously, Daylight Savings, why do you do this to me? I tried to like you I really did... but you're like the mean kid that teases the fat kid by playing keep away with their cupcake.... Namely MY cupcake... and sleep... I would like both back. Money is also acceptable if you've already eaten the cupcake. Make all checks payable to me. Thanks Daylight Savings... I guess I'll see you in a few months with that nice big sleep in check.

3.) The amount of vampire/ werewolf/ zombie and otherwise undead and or monster romance books and or shows that have been coming out lately. Really people... Can you not come up with an original idea? Do you all have to be Stephenie Meyer rip offs? And lets face it, Twilight wasn't that great. Yay for mindless reads? I'm not dissing on the mindless reads. Evey now and then you just need one. But, you want a good love story? Go read Jane Austen. You want a vampire book? Go read Anne Rice. VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE.

4.) I love! It's fantastic! Such an easy way to make some money or sell some stuff! For example, you have an awesome talent for making baby blankets or hats or scarfs or something and were looking for somewhere to list it. You go to dropa20 and make a post thing saying that you'll make a baby blanket for 20 dollars. Then someone who is looking for a hand made blanket sees it and buys it. You make money, they get a blanket. It's wonderful! You can do anything on that site... except maybe drugs/ prostitution. This isn't Craig's list people. But you all should check it out :) :) :) :)

5.) I LOVE CREATIVITY ART STUDIOS IN OREM! It's right next to Five Guys by the University Mall. I've found my new weakness. I suck at drawing but the people there made me feel like I had talent! It's cheaper than Color Me Mine and they have a wide assortment of things to paint. They're doing a 1/2 off sitting fee special right now, so everyone go check it out! :) :) :)

Alright... I'm going to try and sleep. Night Night bloggy world!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Make a persuade check...

[1] [6]

Yeah... Pigeon crap...

I did have to laugh today though. While looking through facebook because I couldn't sleep, I noticed that a friend had deleted me from facebook... What the heck?? they just said, "oh yeah and by the way you did something to anger me greatly and so I'm going to take my revenge on you by removing you as a friend on facebook because there is no lower blow than that..." ..... umm... And I should care why? Because lets face it, frankly I really don't care... Anyway so I'm guessing here as to the reason that they "demoted" me from the status of facebook friend, but here is what I think happened. This friend and they're significant other used to be pretty good friends of Matt's and we all used to play games together. Well, after about 4 - 5 months of gaming with these people (this group had about 6 people excluding Matt and myself) they decided that it would be great fun to target our characters to the point of poisoning them with cookies... We were getting tired of it and it was one of the many reasons we decided to stop playing this game with them. The biggest one being that my health wasn't the greatest. I had just stopped working from 4-midnight. Our lives were becoming really busy and I just couldn't physically handle it anymore. This decision was based on more than one thing, but it seems to have been the pebble that started the avalanche. We kept in contact inviting them to do things like going shooting and other things. But then Matt's birthday BBQ came around. I didn't do the best at planning the event. I take full responsibility for that. We went up American Fork canyon, which every time I have gone up there, it was always free. But I guess we went at the wrong time because we had to pay... Then we couldn't find a spot to do the fire... Then we forgot some things... Needless to say it didn't go as well as it could have. After that we didn't really hear from them... I heard once from the significant other when I got into my car accident, but that was it... Then they unfriended us... O.o I do feel bad because of the way that they are treating Matt... It actually makes me angry that they are taking this out on him because of me. /star rant But honestly these people need to grow up! Act like an adult and tell the person what they have done to offend you because 9 times out of 10 they have no idea that they were doing it or that it offended you. *sigh* /end rant

Anyway, the whole point of this was to say how funny I find it that facebook has become such an important thing in our world... People get truly devastated when people unfriend them. It's such a cowardly way to tell someone that you aren't happy with them... I mean come on... It's facebook...

The End.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Make a endurance check...

I rolled a ten... What was the dc for it again?? a 15? Pigeon Crap.

Well, I guess there is always that second roll option right? I'm going to try and keep a blog again... We'll see how it goes lol. Anyway, so other than the massive migraine that I've had all week, here's what's new! I registered for classes and oh my am I going to die next term!

This is going to be my spring schedule...

Monday: 8am-12pm: Work
1pm-4pm: Purchasing and Product Identification
6pm-11pm: Intro to Pastry

Tuesday: 8am- 12pm: Work
6pm-11pm: Intro to Pastry

Wednesday: 8am-12pm: Work
1pm-6pm: Fundamentals of Classical Techniques

Thursday: 8am-12pm: Work
1pm-6pm: Fundamentals of Classical Techniques

Friday: 8am-12pm: Work

O.o It's going to be an interesting term... Those 3 classes end up being 15 credit hours. I'm excited though. :) I've never been so into school before and I can tell that this is really what I'm meant to do. :) I even love my lecture classes! That's a first lol. If my intelligence and endurance checks are high enough, I might be able to finish earlier than I was planning on! Of course then I Have to pay back the massive amounts of student loans that I had to take out to go to AI. :/ That will be fun. Lol. Oh well, That's all from me today! Drugs have kicked in and are making me tired. Good night blog world!!